
This is a sample of the more popular costumes we sell. Come on by to see our whole selection. You won't be disappointed.


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Store Hours

Mon 11am- 6pm
Tue 4-7. or by appointment
Wed 11am-6:00pm
Thu 11am-6pm
Fri 11am-6pm
Sat 11am-5pm
Sun Closed. (by appointment)


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orange and Black Opaque Striped thigh highs

Cymera 20140504 130710

One size fits all

Rainbow striped thigh highs

Cymera 20140504 130809

One Size fits most

Black and purple Striped thigh highs

Cymera 20140504 130831

One size fits most

Black and white Striped thigh highs

Cymera 20140504 130854

One size fits Most

Rainbow fishnet leggings

Cymera 20140504 130914

One size fits most.

Yellow and Black thigh highs

Cymera 20140504 130951

One size fits Most

Stars and Stripes thigh highs

Cymera 20140504 131030

One size fits Most

Striped thigh highs with Belt Buckle top

Cymera 20140504 131054

One Size fits Most

Rainbow striped fishnet footless tights

Cymera 20140504 131121

one size fits Most

Sexy Metallic striped thigh highs

Cymera 20140504 131157

One size fits Most

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We have tons of stuff to help get you into costume. Everything you need from costumes, accessories, make-up, prothetics … you name it! Check out our rentals for special occassions and projects. We are a year round local costume shop so we are always available to get you going.