
This is a sample of the more popular costumes we sell. Come on by to see our whole selection. You won't be disappointed.


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Store Hours

Mon 10:00- 9:00pm
Tue 10:00-9:00pm
Wed 9-9:00
Thu 9 -9:00
Fri 10:00-9:00
Sat 9:00-10:00
Sun 10-8:00

Request Rental Costumes

Please fill out the form to request a costume, or call us at 720-934-0102.

PLEASE NOTE: Your costume rental is NOT CONFIRMED, and YOU WILL NOT BE CHARGED, until we have a signed contract, credit card information, and a valid ID. We will call you as soon as we can to get these details and fill out a rental contract, or you can call us or email us at any time.

Rental Request: The Grinch

* Required fields

Real People

See all the photos of our customers in costume.

Our Store

See all the photos of our store.

We have tons of stuff to help get you into costume. Everything you need from costumes, accessories, make-up, prothetics … you name it! Check out our rentals for special occassions and projects. We are a year round local costume shop so we are always available to get you going.