
This is a sample of the more popular costumes we sell. Come on by to see our whole selection. You won't be disappointed.


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Store Hours

Mon 11am- 6pm
Tue 4-7. or by appointment
Wed 11am-6:00pm
Thu 11am-6pm
Fri 11am-6pm
Sat 11am-5pm
Sun Closed. (by appointment)

Costumes for School Activities

Costumes for School
Religious Costumes Colonial Costumes Western Costumes Renaissance Costumes Career Costumes International Costumes

Dress the part of your Character

Gott-A-Costume stocks a large selection of children costumes allowing them to match themes for all types of school projects and plays. Kids love to dress in costume and they will love their costume from Gott-A-Costume.

Bring your book report to life by dressing in costume for your classmates, they'll love it.

Book Reports
Colonial Studies
Cowboy & Indian Day
Civil War
Decades Day
School Fairs & Fund Raisers
History Presentations
Night of the Nobles
Period Costumes
International Days
Story Book
Class Projects
Stage and Theatre Kits

Historical era costumes

From ancient civilization to modern times, we have the costume your child needs. Dress the part of Pocahontas or Christopher Columbus. Be one of the original pilgrims from the Mayflower or Robert E Lee from the Civil War. For church functions, dress your child as Moses or a shepherds part in the Nativity scene.

Career costumes & International costumes

Gott-A-Costume carries a great selection of career oriented costumes. Your child can dress as an astronaut or a fireman and add to their school presentation.

Your child can dress the part in our international costumes and enhance the different cultures of the world for their school presentation or project.

Everything You Need

Mix and match your own children costumes theme from our school projects costumes. We also specialize in Rentals for both kids and adults with a huge selection to choose from for all Characters, Eras, and Decades!

Costumes for all School Occasions

Real People


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We have tons of stuff to help get you into costume. Everything you need from costumes, accessories, make-up, prothetics … you name it! Check out our rentals for special occassions and projects. We are a year round local costume shop so we are always available to get you going.